
José Proença (Publications)

José Proença (Publications)

José Proença (Publications)

PhD Leiden University, Netherlands
Lecturer, Integrated PhD Researcher

José Proença is currently a postdoc at CISTER, ISEP, Portugal, working on formal models for component-based systems.

Until January 2019 he worked in HASLab, University of Minho, working with Luís Barbosa, and was affiliated with Distrinet, KU Leuven, until January 2016, working mainly with Danny Hughes and Dave Clarke.

His work has been mainly on coordination of distributed components, often associated to the Reo coordination language, and on formal approaches to software product line engineering. More recently he has been working with binding and component models for embedded devices in the context of the LooCI middleware and micro PnP (now part of VersaSense), and in the context of the VirtuosoNext RTOS.

Before he graduated in University of Minho, Portugal, for a 5 year degree in Mathematics and Computer Science. He studied abroad for 6 months as an Erasmus student in Bristol University, UK. He defended his PhD in Leiden University in May 2011, for his work carried in CWI, Amsterdam, in the group for Foundations of Software Engineering.


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Journal Papers
The CAOS framework for Scala: Computer-aided design of SOS CISTER-TR-241003 
José Proença, Luc EdixhovenScience of Computer Programming. 17, Oct, 2024.
Branching pomsets: design, expressiveness and applications to choreographies CISTER-TR-240103 
Luc Edixhoven, Sung Shik Jongmans, José Proença, Ilaria CastelaniJournal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming. 1, Jan, 2024.
Conference or Workshop Papers/Talks
Formal Simulation and Visualisation of Hybrid Programs CISTER-TR-241105 
Pedro Mendes, Ricardo Correia, Renato Neves, José ProençaProceedings Sixth International Workshop on Formal Methods for Autonomous Systems (FMAS 2024). 13, Nov, 2024. Manchester, United Kingdom.
Reactive graphs in action CISTER-TR-240905 
David Tinoco, Manuel A. Martins, Alexandre Madeira, José ProençaFormal Aspects of Component Software - 20th International Conference (FACS 2024). 10, Sep, 2024. Milan, Italy.
Reducing the gap between theory and practice in real-time systems with MARS CISTER-TR-240602 
Giann Nandi, David Pereira, José Proença, Eduardo Tovar, Luis Miguel NogueiraDependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2024). 24 to 27, Jun, 2024, Doctoral Forum. Brisbane, Australia.
Team Automata: Overview and Roadmap CISTER-TR-240604 
Maurice H. ter Beek, Rolf Hennicker, José ProençaCoordination Models and Languages - 26th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference (COORDINATION 2024). 21, Jun, 2024. Groningen, Netherlands.