JU grant nr. 269354 ARTEMIS/0002/2010 42 months (Jun 2011 to Nov 2014) | |
Summary: | The ENCOURAGE project aims to develop embedded intelligence and integration technologies that will directly optimize energy use in buildings and enable active participation in the future smart grid environment. The desired energy savings will be achieved in three complementary ways. Firstly, by developing supervisory control strategies that will be able to coordinate larger subsystems (HVAC, lighting, renewable energy generation, thermal storage, etc) and orchestrate operation of the numerous devices in such systems. The energy use will be optimized as a trade-off between occupants comfort, energy costs and environmental impact while considering people‟s habits, weather conditions, characteristics of appliances, local generation and storage capacities and market conditions. Secondly, through an intelligent gateway with embedded logic supporting inter-building energy exchange. This brokerage agent will communicate directly with other buildings and local producers to negotiate possible use of the electricity produced locally in their premises. And thirdly, by developing novel virtual sub-metering technologies and event-based middleware applications that will support advanced monitoring and diagnostics concepts. Systematic performance monitoring will ensure the achieved savings are sustained over long period of time without being degraded by deteriorated performance of both mechanical equipment and the monitoring and control system itself. The primary application domains are non-residential buildings and campuses, but the project has relevancy also to residential buildings and neighbourhoods. This will be expressed through several demonstrators comprising public and private office buildings, campus buildings, and private homes. ENCOURAGE aims to achieve 20% of energy savings through the improved interoperability between various types of energy generation, consumption and storage devices; inter-building energy exchange; and systematic performance monitoring. |
Funding: | Global: 6.37MEUR, CISTER: 266KEUR |
Sponsors: | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Partners: | |
Contact Person at CISTER: | Luis Miguel Pinho |
CISTER Researchers Luis Lino Ferreira, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo Tovar and Luis Miguel Pinho participated in the 2015 Artemis/ITEA Co-summit held in Berlin. They were representing CISTER as members of several ongoing and finalized European projects, namely: EMC2, CONCERTO, Arrowhead, ENCOURAGE, CarCode and P-SOCRATES.
The Co-summit 2015 organized by ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking on embedded systems and ITEA, the EUREKA Cluster on software-intensive systems and services – counted about 700 participants from industry, academia, public authorities and press from all over Europe. This year's theme was: Smart Industry: Impact of Software Innovation.
During this event, Eduardo Tovar participated in the Artemis General Assembly and the election for the Artemis Steering Board as a candidate. Luis Miguel Pinho was invited to present a talk in the Speakers Corner on Mixed Criticality related to the actual status of the CISTER-lead European project P-SOCRATES. Geoffrey Nelissen represented CISTER in the CONCERTO booth and Luis Lino Ferreira was also representing CISTER in the CarCode and Arrowhead booths.
Finally, Luis Miguel Pinho and Luis Lino Ferreira, together with the ENCOURAGE project leader Arne Skou, received the achievement award for the successful finalization of the ENCOURAGE project.
Marcel Macarulla, Michele Albano, Luis Lino Ferreira, César TeixeiraJournal of Green Engineering (JGE), River Publishers. Aug 2016, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp 1-26.http://www.riverpublishers.com/journal.php?j=JGE/6/1/jart
Michele Albano, Luis Lino Ferreira, Luis Miguel PinhoTransactions on Industrial Informatics (TII), IEEE. Feb 2015, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp 187-197.
Michele Albano, Luis Lino Ferreira, Luis Miguel Pinho, Abdel Rahman AlkhawajaComputer Standards and Interfaces, Elsevier. Feb 2015, Volume 38, pp 133-143.
Luis Miguel Nogueira, Jorge CoelhoComputing and Informatics (JCAI), Slovak Academy of Sciences. 2015, Volume 35, Issue 1, pp 23-44.
Marcel Macarulla, Michele AlbanoSocial Technologies (Social Technologies), Mykolas Romeris University. Dec 2014, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp 385-400.
César Teixeira, Michele Albano, Arne Skou, Lara Pérez Dueñas, Francesco Antonacci, Rodrigo Ferreira, Keld Lotzfeldt Pedersen, Sandra ScalariSocial Technologies (Social Technologies), Mykolas Romeris University. 2014, Volume 4, Issue 1, pp 7-18.
Thibaut Le Guilly, Arne Skou, Petur Olsen, Per Printz Madsen, Michele Albano, Luis Lino Ferreira, Luis Miguel Pinho, Miquel Casals, Marcel Macarulla, Marta Gangolells21st IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA 2016). 6 to 9, Sep, 2016. Berlin, Germany.
Michele Albano, Marcel MacarullaInternational Academic Conference on Social Technologies ’14 (SocTech14). 23 to 24, Oct, 2014, Plenary Session. Vilnius, Lithuania.
Ricardo Garibay-Martínez, Luis Lino Ferreira, Geoffrey Nelissen, Luis Miguel PinhoWork in Progress Session, 26th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2014). 8 to 11, Jul, 2014, pp 21-24. Madrid, Spain.
Ricardo Garibay-Martínez, Geoffrey Nelissen, Luis Lino Ferreira, Luis Miguel Pinho9th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 2014). 15 to 17, Jun, 2014, Real-time scheduling. Pisa, Italy.
Luis Lino Ferreira, Michele Albano, Luis Miguel Pinho18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2013), IEEE. 10 to 13, Sep, 2013. Cagliari, Italy.
Michele Albano, Luis Lino Ferreira, Thibaut Le Guilly, Manuel Ramiro, Eduardo Faria, Lara Pérez Dueñas, Rodrigo Ferreira, Earl Gaylard, David Jorquera Cubas, Eammon Roarke, Daniel Lux, Sandra Scalari, Susanne Majlund Sørensen, Marta Gangolells, Luis Miguel Pinho, Arne Skou11, Apr, 2013.IEEE EuroCon 2013, Zagreb, Croatia, 1-4 July 2013.
Abdel Rahman Alkhawaja, Luis Lino Ferreira, Michele AlbanoINForum 2012 - Conference on Embedded Systems and Real Time. (INForum 2012). 6 to 7, Oct, 2012. Caparica, Portugal.InForum 2012
Luis Lino Ferreira, Michele Albano, Thibaut Le Guilly, Manuel Ramiro, Eduardo Faria, Lara Pérez Dueñas, Rodrigo Ferreira, Earl Gaylard, Francesc Pelegrin, Eammon Roarke, Daniel Lux, Sandra Scalari, Susanne Majlund Sørensen, Marta Gangolells, Luis Miguel Pinho, Arne SkouIEEE International Energy Conference and Exhibition (ENERGYCON 2012). 9 to 12, Sep, 2012. Florence, Italy.
Abdel Rahman Alkhawaja, Luis Lino Ferreira, Michele Albano, Ricardo Garibay-Martínez38th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2012). 5 to 8, Sep, 2012, Work-In-Progress Session. Cesme, Türkiye.
Luis Miguel Pinho, Ismael Marín Carrión, Luis Lino FerreiraPoster presented in INFORUM - Simpósio de Informática (INFORUM 2014). 4 to 5, Sep, 2014. Porto, Portugal.
César Teixeira, Joel Gonçalves, Luis Lino Ferreira, Ricardo Garibay-Martínez, Michele Albano, Luis Miguel PinhoPoster presented in 8th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES'13). 19 to 21, Jun, 2013. Porto, Portugal.
Ricardo Garibay-Martínez, Luis Lino Ferreira, Luis Miguel PinhoPoster presented in Design Tools and Architectures for Multi-Core Embedded Computing Platforms (PARMA-DITAM). 24, Jan, 2012. Paris, France.Workshop in conjunction with the 7th International Conference on High-Performance and Embedded Architectures and Compilers (HiPEAC 2012).