PhD Studies
World-class Doctoral Education & ResearchCISTER Research Centre in Real-Time and Embedded Computing Systems offers PhD opportunities in the scope of its research activities, in the areas of Embedded and Real-Time Systems. PhD students with CISTER are either enrolled in the Doctoral Programs of the Engineering School of the University of Porto (FEUP - Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto) or in the Dual-degree PhD Programs of the Portugal-CMU initiative, where CISTER is involved.
Doctoral Programs
PDEEC program - The PhD Program offered by the University of Porto on Electronic and Computer Engineering, within a specialized stream in Embedded and Real-Time Systems (ERTS) in Doctoral Programs of the School of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP - Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto), which will also award the PhD upon successful completion of the studies. This stream is a collaboration between the Electrical and Computer Engineering and Informatics Engineering departments at FEUP on one hand and the CISTER research centre on the other. This program involves classes during the first year of studies. The stream courses are:
- Real-Time Embedded Systems (mandatory)
- Parallel and Distributed Embedded Systems (mandatory)
- Ubiquitous Embedded Systems (optional)
- Reliable and concurrent software (optional)
- Hardware/Software System Development (optional)
Please refer to for more details on the PDEEC Doctoral program.
PRODEI program - The PhD Program offered by the School of Engineering of the University of Porto on Computer Science and Software Engineering. For more details on this Doctoral program, please refer to
Topics and Supervision
The PhD studies include topics from CISTER's research areas:
- Sensor Networks
- Cyber-Physical Systems
- Multicore Systems
- Mixed-Criticality and Multimode Real-Time Systems
- Real-Time Embedded Software
Research work in these areas span from quality-of-service in WSNs, link quality estimation, scalable data processing to scheduling algorithms, analysis methods, single and multiprocessor operating systems work, component-based real-time systems, hierarchical scheduling, power management, software concurrency in languages, formal verification of concurrent real-time embedded software, and real-time middleware. Individual topics can be discussed with potential supervisors after an initial assessment of the candidates.
Research studies in CISTER are supervised by internationally renowned researchers:
- Eduardo Tovar (CISTER Director; ACM SIGBED Vice-Chair; General Chair of ICCPS 2017, EWSN 2015, and RTAS 2014; Program Co-Chair of ICCPS 2016, RTCSA 2016, ARCS 2014, RTAS 2013)
- Anis Koubâa (Program Co-Chair of RSC 2014 and 2015; PC member of RTSS 2014, WFCS 2017; Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal on Cyber-Physical Systems and of the International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems)
- Konstantinos Bletsas (TPC member of ETFA 2017, ETFA 2015, ECRTS 2014 and 2015)
Researching with CISTER is an opportunity to connect in national and international networks of researchers and companies, in an excellent research environment with researchers of different nationalities.
Research grants can be provided for up to four years, with a salary around 14.500,00€ (after taxes) per year, and with tuition costs covered by CISTER. Depending on CV, extra responsibilities and sponsor availability, specific scholarships can be in place.
CISTER is looking for highly motivated candidates with a Master degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), Computer Science (CS), Software Engineering (SE), Applied Mathematics (AM) or related areas, with an excellent academic record. Candidates with a solid industrial CV that wish to pursue a PhD degree, are also encouraged to apply. Excellent communication skills in English is considered essential and applicants are expected to have command of both spoken and written English.
Application procedure (Open Call)
To apply, please send your CV, a copy of your transcripts with all your course grades, and a research statement, to the e-mail address, with subject "CISTER-PDS". Please indicate at the end of your CV at least two independent referees to be requested by our services for reference letters. If you have further questions or doubts regarding the application, please contact us via the same email address.
Current Students
- Alam Noor
- Alexandre Esper
- Barikisu Asulba
- Giann Nandi
- Gowhar Javanmardi
- Javier Pérez Rodríguez
- Jingjing Zheng
- Luis Puente Lam
- Reydel Olano
- Saeid Sabamoniri
- Shardul Lendve
- Yilian Ribot
- Yimin Zhang
- Yu Gao
Graduated Students
- Yousef Emami (University of Porto, 2023)
"Deep Reinforcement Learning for Joint Cruise Control and Intelligent Data Acquisition in UAVs-Assisted Sensor Networks"
PhD committee included: Prof. José Nuno Moura Marques Fidalgo (Associate Professor at FEUP), Prof. Xiaoming Fu (Professor at the Institute of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Goettingen)
- Radha Reddy (University of Porto, 2023)
"Synchronous Intelligent Intersections for Sustainable Urban Mobility”
PhD committee included: Prof. Thidapat Chantem (Virginia Polytechnic Institute, USA), Prof. Joaquim Ferreira (Águeda School of Technology and Management, Portugal)
- Jatin Arora (University of Porto, 2023)
"Shared Resource Contention-aware Schedulability Analysis of Hard Real-Time Systems”
PhD committee included: Prof. Isabelle Puaut (University of Rennes, France), Prof. Renato Mancuso (Boston University, USA)
Currently at CISTER/ISEP
- Ênio Filho (University of Porto, 2023)
"An Evaluation Framework for Safe Cooperative Vehicle Platooning”
PhD committee included: Prof. Rahul Mangharam (University of Pennsylvania, USA), Prof. José Nuno Moura Marques Fidalgo (FEUP, Portugal)
Currently at CISTER/ISEP
- Mubarak Ojewale (University of Porto, 2023)
"On Preemption in Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN)”
PhD committee included: Prof. Dr. Saad Mubeen (Mälardalen Universty, Sweden), Dr. Ramon Serna Oliver (TTTech, Austria)
Currently at CISTER/ISEP
- Miguel Gutirérrez Gaitán (University of Porto, 2023)
"Real-Time Overwater Wireless Network Design”
PhD committee included: Dr. Thomas Watteyne (INRIA, France), Dr. Svetlana Girs (Mälardalen Universty, Sweden)
Currently at CISTER/ISEP and Universidad Andres Bello
"On Preemption in Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN)”
PhD committee included: Prof. Dr. Saad Mubeen (Mälardalen Universty, Sweden), Dr. Ramon Serna Oliver (TTTech, Austria)
Currently at CISTER/ISEP
"Real-Time Overwater Wireless Network Design”
PhD committee included: Dr. Thomas Watteyne (INRIA, France), Dr. Svetlana Girs (Mälardalen Universty, Sweden)
Currently at CISTER/ISEP and Universidad Andres Bello
- Shashank Gaur (University of Porto, 2022)
"Context Aware Sensor Networks”
PhD committee included: Prof. Luca Mottola (Politecnicno de Milano, Italy), Prof. Paolo Pagano (CNIT, Italy)
Joined TTTech Auto
- Syed Aftab Rashid (University of Porto, 2021)
"Towards Timing Analysis of Multi-core Platforms for Hard Real-Time Systems”
PhD committee included: Prof. Sebastian Altmeyer (University of Augsburg, Germany), Prof. Claire Maiza (Grenoble INP, France)
Currently at CISTER/ISEP
- Harrison Kurunathan (University of Porto, 2021)
"Improving QoS for IEEE 802.15.4e DSME Networks”
PhD committee included: Prof. Ye-Qiong Song (University of Lorraine, France), Prof. Zdenek Hanzalek (Czech Technical University, Prague)
Currently at CISTER/ISEP
- João Loureiro (University of Porto, 2020)
"Xdense: A Mesh Grid Sensor Network for Extreme Dense Sensing"
PhD committee included: Prof. Leandro Soares Indrusiak (University of York, UK), Prof. Jean-Luc Scharbarg (IRIT-ENSEEIHT, France)
Joined Nedap Retail, Netherlands
- José Fonseca (University of Porto, 2018)
"Multiprocessor Scheduling and Mapping Techniques for Real-Time Parallel Applications"
PhD committee included: Prof. Robert Davis (University of York, UK), Prof. Eduardo Quiñones (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain)
Joined Critical Techworks
- Cláudio Maia (University of Porto, 2018)
"Scheduling parallel real-time tasks in multiprocessor platforms"
PhD committee included: Prof. Marko Bertogna, (Universitá Degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy), Prof. António Casimiro Ferreira da Costa (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Currently at CISTER/ISEP
- Zahid Iqbal (University of Porto, 2018)
"Dynamic Hierarchical Bandwidth Reservations for Switched Ethernet"
PhD committee included: Prof. Giorgio C. Buttazzo (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy), Prof. Reinder J. Bril (TU/e, Netherlands), Prof. Paulo Pedreiras (UA/IT, Portugal)
Joined Distributed and Real-Time Embedded Systems Laboratory (DaRTES), FEUP
- Luis Pinto (University of Porto, 2018)
"Aerial Multi-hop Sensor Networks"
PhD committee included: Prof. Bruno Sinopoli (CMU, USA), Prof. Patrick Tague (CMU, USA)
Joined IPFN - Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, Portugal
- António Barros (University of Porto, 2018)
"Real-Time Software Transactional Memory"
PhD committee included: Prof. Mario Aldea Rivas (Universidad de Cantabria, Spain), Prof. Audrey Queudet (Université de Nantes, France)
Currently at CISTER/ISEP and School of Engineering of Porto Polytechnic Institute
- André Pedro (University of Minho, 2018)
"Dynamic Contracts for Verification and Enforcement of Real-Time Systems Properties"
PhD commitee included: Prof. Alan Burns (University of York, UK)
Joined Universität zu Lübeck, Germany
- Hazem Ali (University of Porto, 2017)
"Integrating dataflow and non-dataflow real-time application models on multi-core platforms"
PhD committee included: Prof. Sander Stuijk (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands), Prof. Johan Eker (Lund University, Sweden)
Joined CEA Leti, France
- Artem Burmyakov (University of Porto, 2016)
"Schedulability Analysis of Multiprocessor Real-time Systems Using Pruning"
PhD committee included: Prof. Giuseppe Lipari (Lille University of Science and Technology, France), Prof. Enrico Bini (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy)
Joined Seoul National University, South Korea
- Kostiantyn Berezovsky (University of Porto, 2016)
"Timing Analysis of General Purpose GPU for Real-Time Systems: Models and Analyses"
PhD committee included: Prof. Shinpei Kato (Information Science Nagoya University, Japan), Prof. Christine Rochange (Université Paul Sabatier, France)
Currently at CISTER/ISEP
- Ricardo Garibay-Martinez (University of Porto, 2016)
"A Framework for the Development of Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems"
PhD committee included: Prof. José Javier Gutiérrez (Universidad de Cantabria, Spain), Prof. Paulo Pedreiras (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal)
Joined Coppel SA de CV, Mexico
- Maryam Vahabi (University of Porto, 2016)
"Computing Aggregate Quantities in Large-Scale and Dense Sensor Networks"
PhD committee included: Prof. Leandro Buss Becker (Univesidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil), Prof. Nicolas Navet (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Joined Mälardalen University, Sweden
- Ricardo Severino (University of Porto, 2015)
"Improving QoS for large-scale WSNs"
PhD committee included: Prof. Leandro Buss Becker (Univesidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil), Prof. Vlado Handziski (Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany)
Currently at CISTER/ISEP and School of Engineering of Porto Polytechnic Institute
- Claro Noda (University of Porto, 2015)
"Quantifying, generating and mitigating radio interference in Low-Power Wireless Networks"
PhD committee included: Prof. Rui Luís Andrade Aguiar (Universidade Aveiro, Portugal), Prof. Alexandre Júlio Teixeira Santos (Universidade Minho, Portugal)
Joined Mittuniversitetet, Sweden
- Borislav Nikolic (University of Porto, 2015)
"Many-Core Platforms in the Real-Time Embedded Computing Domain"
PhD committee included: Prof. Petru Eles (Linköpings Universitet, Sweden), Dr. Leandro Soares Indrusiak (University of York, UK)
Joined Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
- José Marinho (University of Porto, 2015)
"Real-time Limited Preemptive Scheduling"
PhD committee included: Prof. Petru Eles (Linköpings Universitet, Sweden), Prof. Marko Bertogna (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy)
Joined HP Barcelona R&D Centre, Spain
Currently at Arm Cambridge, UK
- Hossein Fotouhi (University of Porto, 2015)
"Reliable Mobility Support in Low-Power Wireless Networks"
PhD committee included: Prof. José Fonseca (Univesidade de Aveiro, Portugal)
Joined Mälardalen Real-Time Research Centre, Sweden
- Vikram Gupta (CMU-UP Joint Doctoral Programme, 2014)
"Cyber-Physical Systems Technologies for Energy-Optimized Data Centers"
PhD committee included: Prof. Peter Steenkiste (Carnegie Mellon University, USA), Prof. Anthony Rowe (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Joined Awidit Systems, India
- Muhammad Ali Awan (University of Porto, 2014)
"Energy and Temperature Aware Real-Time Systems"
PhD committee included: Prof. Gerhard Fohler (Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany), Prof. Marko Bertogna (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy)
Currently at CISTER/ISEP
- Dakshina Dasari (University of Porto, 2014)
"Timing Analysis of Real-Time Systems Considering the Contention on the Shared Interconnection Network in Multicores"
PhD committee included: Prof. Daniel Mossé (University of Pittsburgh, USA), Prof. Thomas Nolte (Mälardalen University, Sweden)
Joined Bosch India Research & Technology Center in Bangalore, India
Currently at Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany
- Gurulingesh Raravi (University of Porto, 2014)
"Real-Time Scheduling on Heterogeneous Multiprocessors"
PhD committee included: Prof. Sanjoy Baruah (UNC Chapel Hill, USA), Laurent George (LIGM University of Paris-Est, France)
Joined Xerox Research Centre, India
Currently at NVIDIA, Stuttgart, Germany
- Paulo Baltarejo Sousa (University of Porto, 2013)
"Real-Time Scheduling on Multi-core: Theory and Practice"
PhD committee included: Robert Davis (University of York, UK), Tommaso Cucinotta (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs in Dublin, Ireland)
Currently at CISTER/ISEP and School of Engineering of Porto Polytechnic Institute
- Petr Jurcik (Czech Technical University in Prague, 2010)
"Real-time Communication over Cluster-tree Wireless Sensor Networks"
PhD committee included: Prof. Lucia Lo Bello (University of Catania, Italy), Prof. Luis Almeida (University of Porto, Portugal)
Joined T-Mobile, Czech Republic
Visiting Students
- Aasem Ahmad, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic (2017)
- Davide Campagnin, University of Padua, Italy (2016)
- Fabrice Guet, ONERA DTIM, France (2016)
- Diana Guimarães, FEUP, Portugal (2016)
- Matthias Becker, Mälardalen University, Sweden (2015/2016)
- José Agusto Santos Jr., UFBA, Brasil (2014/2015)
- Andrea Baldovin, University of Padua, Italy (2013)
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