Luís Almeida (Publications)
Research Centre Vice-Director
Professor, Integrated PhD Researcher
Luís Almeida graduated in Electronics and Telecommunications Eng. in 1988 and received a Ph.D. in Electrical Eng. in 1999, both from the University of Aveiro in Portugal.
He is currently an Associate Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the University of Porto (UP), Portugal, where he coordinates the Distributed and Real-time Embedded Systems laboratory (DaRTES). Among several appointments, he was a member of the Executive Committees of the IEEE Technical Committees on Real-Time Systems (2008-2013) and on Factory Automation (2007-2009, 2014-2017), Program and General Chair of the IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (2011-2012 respectively), Vice-President (2011-2013) and Trustee (2008-2016) of the RoboCup Federation, and Associate Editor of the Springer Journal of Real-Time Systems (since 2010) and Elsevier Journal of Systems Architecture (since 2012).
His research interests include real-time communications for distributed industrial/embedded systems including teams of cooperating agents and sensor networks.
Luis Pinto, Luís AlmeidaSensors, Article No 4497, MDPI. 2018, Volume 18, Issue 12.
Aqsa Aslam, Luís Almeida, Frederico SantosIEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps 2018). 9 to 13, Dec, 2018, S2: COOPERATIVE MOBILITY 2. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.Abstract presented at the Cooperative Sensing for Smart Mobility Workshop (COSSMO).
Luis Pinto, Pedro Miguel Santos, Luís Almeida, Ana AguiarIEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2018). 5 to 7, Dec, 2018. Taipei, Taiwan.
Pedro Miguel Santos, Luis Pinto, Ana Aguiar, Luís AlmeidaIEEE 29th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2018). 9 to 12, Sep, 2018. Bologna, Italy.
João Mesquita, Diana Guimarães, Carlos Pereira, Frederico Santos, Luís Almeida23rd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2018). 4 to 7, Sep, 2018, pp 784-791. Torino, Italy.
Tomás P. Corrêa, Luís Almeida, Emilio Bueno Peña16th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2018). 18 to 20, Jul, 2018, pp 323-328. Porto, Portugal.
Alberto Ballesteros, Julián Proenza, Manuel Barranco, Luís Almeida48th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W 2018). 25 to 28, Jun, 2018, Fast Abstract #1, pp 57-58. Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.
Carlos Pereira, Diana Guimarães, João Mesquita, Frederico Santos, Luís Almeida, Ana Aguiar28th European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2018). 18 to 21, Jun, 2018, APP – Application Areas and Services, pp 324-328. Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Aqsa Aslam, Luís Almeida, Frederico SantosNets4Cars/Nets4Trains/Nets4Aircraft: 13th International Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles (Nets4Workshop 2018). 17 to 18, May, 2018, pp 169-180. Madrid, Spain.Chapter in Communication Technologies for Vehicles, 13th International Workshop, Nets4Cars/Nets4Trains/Nets4Aircraft 2018, Madrid, Spain, May 17-18, 2018, Proceedings
Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 10796)
Also part of the Computer Communication Networks and Telecommunications book sub series (LNCCN, volume 10796)
Luis Oliveira, Luís Almeida, Daniel Mossé24th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2018). 11 to 13, Apr, 2018, pp 305-315. Porto, Portugal.