WDES 2006
3rd International Workshop on Dependable Embedded SystemsLeeds, United Kingdom
Homepage: http://www.vmars.tuwien.ac.at/wdes2006/

Deadline: 6, Aug, 2006
Today, nearly every processor is deployed as integral part of a daily life artifact. Embedded computing systems already became a driving force of engineering innovation in mission-critical applications. More and more, networks of such embedded components perform critical control functions in vehicular (cars, planes, trains, etc.), industrial automation, process control, health or telecommunication systems, just to mention a few application fields.
We solicit position papers, research contributions and experience reports addressing issues related to the design, analysis, validation, certification or implementation (or a mix of these) of dependable distributed embedded systems in the above mentioned application fields. Topics of particular interest include (but are not limited to):
o Self-configuring distributed embedded systems
o QoS assurance in networks of autonomous components
o Architectural support for predictability (hardware, software)
o Security of safety-critical nodes with connectivity to open networks
o Adaptable architectures for achieving dependability
o Verification and testing of embedded systems
o Low-power embedded systems
o Dependable embedded applications
o Case studies of dependable embedded systems
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Short link for this page: www.cister-labs.pt/events/171