RTAS 2009
15th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications SymposiumParc 55 Hotel, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
Homepage: http://www.rtas.org/

Deadline: 20, Oct, 2008
RTAS 2009 seeks papers describing signicant contributions both to the state of the art and the state of the practice in the broad field of embedded and open real-time systems and computing. The scope of RTAS 2009 consists of the traditional core area of real-time and embedded systems infrastructure and theory, as well as two additional areas of special emphasis: cyber-physical systems and embedded applications, benchmarks and tools:
Core Area. Real-time and Embedded Systems: This has a focus on embedded and real-time systems. Papers should describe significant contributions to infrastructure, system support, or theoretic foundations for real-time or embedded computing. Topics include all of those associated with real-time or embedded computing platforms and techniques, including:
o ad-hoc networks of embedded computers, real-time communications o real-time resource management and scheduling o embedded system security o programming languages and software engineering for real-time or embedded systems o distributed real-time information/ databases o kernels, operating systems and middleware for real-time or embedded systems o support for QoS o energy aware real-time systems o real-time system modeling and analysis o formal methods o control theoretic models and performance feedback control o hardware / software codesign o WCET analysis o compilation for real-time or embedded systems o novel hardware or system architectures for real-time or embedded systems
CISTER's participants:
Short link for this page: www.cister-labs.pt/events/326