Third Annual IEEE Conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and NetworksReston, Virginia, U.S.A.

Deadline: 1, Apr, 2006
2006 Information no available, 2005 information follows: Full papers describing original, previously unpublished research work, experimental efforts, practical experiences, and industrial and commercial developments in sensor and ad hoc communications and networks. Papers with a deep focus on a specific discipline or stimulated by the synergistic interaction of diverse disciplines are encouraged. Particular topics of interest include, but are not limited to: New architectures, protocols and access control to support communication, localization, time synchronization, routing and data dissemination in heterogeneous, large-scale distributed, ad hoc networks and sensor networks Novel algorithms and theories for management, supervisory control and monitoring of distributed ad hoc networks, and techniques for the interpretation and use of sensor data in decision-making processes Modeling and performance evaluation of large-scale distributed and ad hoc sensor networks, practical implementations, and real-work experiences Theories and models on fundamental information and communication aspects of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks Mechanisms for authenticated, secure communication and data dissemination in sensor and ad hoc networks Integration of sensors into engineered systems, including novel techniques for sensor renewable power sources, mechanisms for on-sensor self-calibration and self-testing and efficient schemes to maximize accuracy and minimize false alarms Chip-based systems incorporating multiple sensors, computation, actuation, and wireless interfaces Software platforms, middleware and tools for ad hoc and sensor network applications development, deployment and management
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