6th Annual ACM Conference on Embedded SoftwareSeoul, South Korea
Homepage: http://www.it.uu.se/conf/EMSOFT06/

Sponsors: ACM

Deadline: 8, May, 2006
EMSOFT is an annual ACM Conference on Embedded Systems Software sponsored by ACM SigBED (Special Interest Group on Embedded Systems). The purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers and developers from academia, industry, and government to advance the science, engineering, and technology in embedded software development. EMSOFT was started in 2001. The previous conferences were held in Lake Tahoe, USA (2001), Grenoble, France (2002), Philadelphia, USA (2003), Pisa, Italy (2004), and Jersey City, USA (2005).
EMSOFT06 will be held in Seoul, South Korea Oct 22-25, 2006, within the Embedded Systems Week (Oct. 22-29, 2006), which contains three leading research conferences in embedded computing, all located at the same site: CASES, CODES+ISSS and EMSOFT. In addition, there will be a number of workshops affiliated with the main conferences.
Embedded software must meet demanding criteria for correctness, performance, power consumption, and development cost. EMSOFT aims at covering all aspects of embedded software with focus on principles of embedded software development. Topics of Interests include (but not limited to):
* Modeling and validation
* Design and implementation of embedded software
* Model-based software architecture and design
* Component-based design and analysis
* Programming languages and Compilers
* Software engineering and programming methodologies
* Scheduling and execution time analysis
* Operating systems and middleware
* QoS management and performance analysis
* Hardware-dependent software and interfaces
* Networked embedded systems and security
* Software for embedded multiprocessors
* Application areas e.g. automotive and avoinics, etc.
Short link for this page: www.cister-labs.pt/events/154