19th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time SystemsPisa, Italy


Deadline: 14, Jan, 2007
The nineteenth EUROMICRO Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS'07) is a forum aimed at covering state-of-the-art research and development in real-time computing. Papers on all aspects of real-time systems are welcome. These include, but are not limited to:
APPLICATIONS: consumer electronics; multimedia and entertainment; process control; avionics, aerospace; automotive; telecommunications.
INFRASTRUCTURE AND HARDWARE: communication networks; embedded devices; hardware/software co-design; power-aware and other resource-constrained techniques; systems on chip; time engines and time synchronization; wireless sensor networks.
SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES: compiler support; component-based approaches; middleware and distribution technologies; programming languages and operating systems.
SYSTEM DESIGN AND ANALYSIS: modelling and formal methods;probabilistic analysis for RT systems; quality of service support;reliability, security and survivability in RT systems; scheduling and schedulability analysis; worst-case execution time analysis; validation techniques.
This year we want to continue encouraging the submission of papers on industrial case studies, application of real-time technology on realistic systems, and real-time operating systems implementations. An Advisory Board of representatives from industries has been appointed to evaluate papers with respect to industrial or strategic impact.
Full papers must be submitted electronically through our web form in pdf format (available soon from The material must be unpublished and not under submission elsewhere. The paper must be in the same format as in the final published proceedings (10 pages maximum, 2 columns, 10 pt). Papers exceeding the maximum length will not be reviewed. See the submission page for more details.
Pursuing a successful tradition in the ECRTS series, a special Work in Progress (WiP) session will be organised. This session is mainly intended for presentation of on-going and recent work. Additionally, a set of Satellite Workshops focusing on hot topics will be organised. These include the continuation of the already successful real-time networks (RTN), worst-case execution time (WCET), and Operating System Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications (OSPERT) workshops. A separate call for papers will be issued later for both WiP and satellite workshops. Please visit the conference website later for further information.
The main conference will include Keynote Sessions. In this year's edition, besides the Best Paper Award, a selection of best papers will be invited for a Special Issue of an international journal.
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