CSMU 2006
Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous SystemsVila Flor Cultural Centre, Guimarães, Portugal
Homepage: http://ubicomp.algoritmi.uminho.pt/csmu/en/

Deadline: 27, Feb, 2006
The Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems (CSMU 2006) aims to bring together researchers and practitioners who have an interest in the study and application of mobility and ubiquitous computing paradigms with the objective of promoting mutual awareness, the sharing of experiences and the consolidation of a community of researchers in Portugal.
Considering the multi-disciplinary nature that characterises research in mobile and ubiquitous systems, the conference intends to promote collaboration between a wide diversity of relevant disciplines, such as Distributed Systems, Human-Computer Interaction, Data Communications, Artificial Intelligence, Electronics, Software Engineering, Computer Graphics, Information Systems, and Social Sciences. The conference also intends to promote the connection between academia and industry, and contributions from industry are especially welcome.
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Short link for this page: www.cister-labs.pt/events/157