This is the home page for the EMSIG Special Interest Group on Embedded Systems. EMSIG is the follow-up organization of the ArtistDesign network of excellence. Comprehensive information about embedded systems is available on the ArtistDesign web site.
Mailing list
send an email to sympa@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr and enter the desired command to the (otherwise empty, no signature) mail body
SUBSCRIBE | announcements (subscribe the mail address from which you write) |
UNSUBSCRIBE | announcements (unsubscribe the mail address from which you write) |
UNSUBSCRIBE | announcements email (unsubscribe another mail address) |
HELP | get a help file containing all possible commands |
Sending announcements:
Once subscribed: send you announcements to announcements@lists.artist-embedded.org
Mails must be related to embedded and/or cyber-physical systems. We retain the right to refuse mails without specifying reasons. The sender of the mail is responsible for its content. Emsig cannot be held liable for any consequence of distributing mails.
The mailing list is maintained by Susanne Graf, IMAG, France.