
Comparing Performance of Machine Learning Tools across Computing Platforms
Ref: CISTER-TR-230904       Publication Date: 18, Sep, 2023

Comparing Performance of Machine Learning Tools across Computing Platforms

Ref: CISTER-TR-230904       Publication Date: 18, Sep, 2023

Embedded systems (ES) are wide-spread in our world and responsible for many critical systems. More recently, machine learning (ML) tools have become a well-established solution for data-intensive tasks, but their application in embedded systems is still gaining traction and their real-time performance is often unclear. We provide a (non-extensive) review of the ML tools that may be suited for deployment in ES, from which we selected two representative tools - the well-established Python-based Scikit-Learn, and the interoperability-oriented ONNX Runtime - to compare their response time. Using archetypal datasets and four pre-trained ML models, we measure the prediction time for each sample, for each model, in Scikit-Learn and ONNX Runtime in a standard desktop (to compare performance of the tools in the same platform), and for ONNX Runtime in a representative ES, a Raspberry Pi v4 (to compare performance of the same tool across platforms). We report that ONNX considerably improves over Scikit-Learn, and experiences a negligible performance degradation when ported to the RPi.

Pedro Vicente
Pedro Miguel Santos
Barikisu Asulba
Nuno Martins
Joana Sousa
Luís Almeida

Proceedings of 18th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS 2023).
Warsaw, Poland.


Record Date: 18, Sep, 2023