Using a Prioritized Medium Access Control Protocol for Incrementally Obtaining an Interpolation of Sensor Readings
Ref: HURRAY-TR-090704 Publication Date: 25 to 26, Jun, 2009
Using a Prioritized Medium Access Control Protocol for Incrementally Obtaining an Interpolation of Sensor Readings
Ref: HURRAY-TR-090704 Publication Date: 25 to 26, Jun, 2009Abstract:
This paper addresses sensor network applications
which need to obtain an accurate image of physical phenomena
and do so with a high sampling rate in both time and space. We
present a fast and scalable approach for obtaining an approximate
representation of all sensor readings at high sampling rate
for quickly reacting to critical events in a physical environment.
This approach is an improvement on previous work in that after
the new approach has undergone a startup phase then the new
approach can use a very small sampling period.
7th Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems (WISES'09), IEEE, pp 29-36.
Ancona, Italy.
WOS ID: 000272169700003.
Record Date: 29, Jul, 2009
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